Honoring John W. Parker and Those Who Built The SAPL Organization

Working Towards a Nuclear-Free Future While Remembering Our Past In September of last year, we lost SAPL’s founding president, John W. Parker, at the age of 92. The Seacoast Anti-Pollution League would like to pay tribute to John and take … Read More

Proposed Seabrook Emergency Planning Changes Attract Official Scrutiny

Seabrook owner NextEra has stirred public controversy in attempting to consolidate their emergency planning and response activities – to Florida! Congressional delegations on both sides of the NH-MA border – along with state safety officials – have criticized the proposed … Read More

2023 End-of-Year Newsletter

Dear SAPL Members and Friends, As the year comes to a close and we enter our 55th year of activity, we would like to give you a sense of the progress we’ve made and prospects for the new year toward … Read More

Undue influence: As money changes hands on Capitol Hill, is it lobbying or bribery?

By Linda Pentz Gunter (shared with the permission of the author and Beyond Nuclear) In part two of her investigation into bribery and corruption in the nuclear power sector, Linda Pentz Gunter looks at lobbying. Does it cross a fine … Read More

Remembering Nancy McDonough: Educator and SAPL Supporter

We are honored that our friend Nancy McDonough requested to have her memory honored with donations to the Seacoast Anti Pollution League. If you would like to make a donation in Nancy’s memory, you may donate online though PayPal or … Read More

Be Prepared: The Importance of Potassium Iodide in Your First Aid Kit

Anyone who lives or works within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant should have potassium iodide in their first aid kit. Potassium iodide (KI) is essential to protect the thyroid gland from absorbing the radioactive Iodine released into the environment … Read More

2022 End-of-Year Newsletter

SAPL has had a busy and productive year. Please take a moment to read our year-end Energy News & Action Newsletter to learn what we’ve been up to and how your donations have been put to work. Please consider donating … Read More

2021 End-of-Year Newsletter

While the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has made everything a bit slower and more difficult for nonprofits and activists, we still have important news to share and actions that need your help! Please take a moment to read our end-of-year newsletter … Read More

ACTION NEEDED: NH Needs to Join Neighboring States in Procuring Offshore Wind!

Please take a moment to sign the petition linked below, put together by a coalition of NH groups including SAPL, telling Governor Sununu to advance offshore wind now! We’re calling on the governor to make offshore wind a priority so … Read More

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